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#1 - CIRCUITos DE LA ARTE, La Cruz de San Andres, Santa Cruz del Norte. The artist Pedro Juan Gutierrez Navarro used the space on the façade of this church to create his monumental work "Circuitos De La Arte." This is a monumental structure that incorporates art in complex technical processes. The walls of the church are punctuated by geometric shapes formed during channeling and carving with chisels and limestone powder, while some portions are left exposed in contrast with painted figures. Carved figures represent both genders during different social strata, capturing everyday life at this time in history. This work is comprised of an enormous variety of figures, some of which are barely discernible due to the style used by the artist, which can be seen in other works he has created. The themes are philosophical, religious and artistic. This work is part of a series called Geometric Expressionism. #2 - CIRCUITos DE LA ARTE, La Cruz de San Andres, Santa Cruz del Norte. This created by Yulen Navarro draws its inspiration from the geometric patterns used for decoration in Spanish artists of the Renaissance period. Its surface is configured with various wedge-shaped elements that converge at various points to form different designs that represent various aspects of nature including birds and fishes. The stones are painted with different colors making the works very vibrant. #3 - CIRCUITos DE LA ARTE, La Cruz de San Andres, Santa Cruz del Norte. This work is called Círculos de la vida because it represents life both in its beginning and end. It was created by Elvis Sánchez Lora who used the resources of the stone that was originally the front of the presbytery in this church to form circular designs with traditional patterns in irregular shapes. This work also has a strong religious theme in which Jesus Christ is represented in the center of what appears to be an altar. #4 - CIRCUITos DE LA ARTE, La Cruz de San Andres, Santa Cruz del Norte. This is a work done by Luis Angel Félix Martinez that shows an obelisk with different appendages at each corner. The sculpture aims to be an emblem of national identity. It was inspired by the monuments of Egypt and the rocks used to create Líger’s Cubist works in Paris. The color scheme is very sober with only three colors, black, white and red. This work represents the obelisk as a symbol of freedom combined with religious elements. These are works done by Félix Líger himself. They were published in the newspaper El Heraldo, which is today called El Siglo, and are works that he created without the use of chisels or iron tools. The figures are carved into stone with different colors that represent light, shadow and different shades of green. This work depicts various aspects of people including portraits, symbolism of family members and favorite animals. These sculptures are related to Cubism because they show people in similar fashion as what artist Pablo Picasso did. #5 - CIRCUITos DE LA ARTE, La Cruz de San Andres, Santa Cruz del Norte. cfa1e77820